2024 Year End Letter

2024 was Amazing - 2025 will be even better, here's why

Together with Octus

Welcome back!

It’s time for another year end letter, I can’t believe how fast 2024 went.

Usually in these year end newsletters I have some semi-scattered thoughts…so bear with me because there’s a big reveal at the end.

It was a great year

I won’t bury the lead, from a job earnings and High Yield Harry standpoint, this was a great year for me. But honestly, I worked like a dog all year. As many of you know I’m very entrepreneurial. I like to joke around a lot on the internet, naturally, but I wouldn’t be authentic if I didn’t also admit that I’m very intense and results driven.

This was a “golden age like” year from a private credit standpoint, and I got to work on some cool deals. While, there was some really cool stuff happening with High Yield Harry.

It’s taken a while for the fruits of my labor to pay off. Given my non-target background, I didn’t come to NYC with a lot, analyst pay when I first started work was terrible, my first bonus sucked, and I spent my first year in the city sleeping in a tiny room with a mattress on the floor (ppl were perplexed by how crappy my living situation was and wtf I was doing this to myself). On The HYH side, I created my meme account at a time when there dozens of established larger accounts. I didn’t make any $$ with it in 2020, barely any in 2021, and it really took until the past 18 months to build a respectable earnings profile.

This has also been a year of strategic investment though. Around last year, I realized there’s an earnings ceiling from a creator standpoint, so I needed to grow a pair and be willing to put money down in order to get to the scale I needed. It’s been worth it, as I underwrite to sensical returns and payback periods, and am able to execute on bringing the corresponding dollars in. More on that in a moment.

A message from Octus:

Octus, the premier global provider of credit data, analytics, and intelligence, recently released its U.S. third-quarter 2024 earnings analytics report.  The report finds that the median U.S. company’s top-line growth finally broke an LTM decelerating trend for the last nine consecutive quarters, while pro forma EBITDA growth continued to accelerate. Interest coverage remained relatively stable, with marginal improvement over the previous quarter. The report is crafted by the Octus team of expert analysts using data from Fundamentals by Octus™, our proprietary financial data platform.

To access the full report on our website, follow this link

An Update on my Brands

As a refresher, here’s My Different Platforms:

  1. This Newsletter

  2. The Wall Street Rollup

  3. High Yield Harry (Instagram & X)

  4. Wall Street Gossip

I guess also Spotify and LinkedIn to a lesser degree lol. I could use some more LinkedIn follows if you have a second.

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